Dear Friends in Christ,

Last Saturday Saint Anna’s had a wonderful Renewal of Ministry Celebration which included my official induction as your vicar. This coming Sunday we will hold our annual parish meeting, in which the whole church gathers to participate in the least two things in common. The catechism of the Book of Common Prayer (1979) states that the church carries out its mission through the ministry of all its members. On both these occasions we gather as a body to conduct the business of the church. One is liturgical and missional in nature, the other administrative and governmental.

Both these events depend on the participation of all the baptized, the body of Christ we know as the Church. The Renewal of Ministry from Enriching Our Worship IV which we celebrated on Saturday incarnates mutuality among the ministers of the Church, setting ordained leadership within the context of baptism, and commending a variety of gifts that support that mutuality. The service on Saturday reflected that fact and offered presentation of gifts throughout the service that welcomed me into the ongoing and continuing mission and ministry of Saint Anna’s.

This mutuality is not just evident in our mission and ministry but in the governance and administration of the church. In the Episcopal Church authority is shared among clergy and lay members, who together make decisions about our common life. Those decisions are not made based on whim or fancy or individual preferences. They are based on the Kingdom of God and on traditions and precedent laid down by the people who came before us. To participate in the business of the church means to listen to the Spirit and open our hearts and minds to discern what God is calling us to do. This happens in worship, in prayer, in committee, and in the annual meeting, and it needs prayerful and serious participation from all of God’s people.

And lastly, both these important occasions involve me thanking people who give generously of their time and talent for their help and support that make the mission and ministry of Saint Anna’s possible.

So many people worked so hard to make Saturday a glorious occasion in every single aspect - the service, the music, the beauty of the space, the welcome offered to members and guests alike, the gracious way everyone participated, either as a presenter or serving to help things go smoothly or just showing up in person or on zoom, and especially the fabulous reception after the service. The whole day was filled with joy and grace and would not have been possible without the participation and commitment of all of you, but especially (in no particular order except alphabetical) of Erin Astone-Green, Leslie Bemel, Susan Black, Kitty Hayes, Jennifer and Jack Kline, Lois Laza, Rocky Muir, Gwen O’Neill, Michelle and Jim Price, Carol Richardson, Betty Smith, Cindy Sodowsky, Jakeb Stanley, Mees Tielens, Indira and Arshni Vilathgamuwa Jeanne Virgilio, Jim Wiant, Christine Widger, and Craig and Jane Wirth. Words are not sufficient to convey how truly thankful I am for each of them but they are all I have right now. So thank you, thank you, thank you!

This Sunday at the Annual Meeting I will thank a whole a lot of other and many of the same people for their hard work and contributions of time, talent, and treasure throughout the year that make Saint Anna’s ongoing mission and ministry possible. To find out who they are (as if you don’t already know) you will have to attend the meeting and take your place in the governance and administration of the Church, as laid out in the BCP, the Canons and Constitutions of the Church, and individual churches bylaws, I will see you on Sunday, after the service!

Yours in Christ,


Saint Anna