August 26, 2021

August 26, 2021

How much time do you have to offer your church community each week or each month outside of the hour, give or take, set aside for worship? Fifteen minutes? An hour? More than an hour?

If you have…

· 15 minutes, consider becoming a reader. It takes about 15 minutes to read over the assigned readings before church on Sunday.


· 30 minutes, consider becoming a greeter or an usher, who help prepare the sanctuary and greet people as they arrive and help our worship go smoothly.

Or a counter, who counts the collection each week, records it for the treasurer, and deposits it in the bank.


Or volunteer to lock up, which involves tidying up the sanctuary after church and making sure all doors and windows are closed and locked.


Or a Digital Greeter, who shows up on zoom 15 minutes before worship to greet anyone joining us for worship on zoom, answers any questions they might have, screen-shares the bulletin during worship, and then spends about 15 minutes after the service “chatting’ with people.


· 1 hour, consider joining the hospitality team and setting up, serving, and cleaning up after coffee hour. Or volunteer to take the food we collect each Sunday to a local food bank.


· 2 hours, consider joining the altar guild and helping to prepare everything for worship and make our chancel beautiful each week.


Or Little Shorts/Little dresses – the sewing ministry which makes clothes for children across the world.


Or a lay pastoral visitor and visit shut-ins, and those who are sick or lonely.

We are all called into service as the body of Christ. No matter how much time you have there is something you can do.


Many of these ministries take place on Sunday mornings and are necessary for worship to happen. Liturgy, from the Greek leitourgia,is derived from leito (people) and ergo (to do). It has come to mean work of the people when referring to what we do on Sunday mornings, but more accurately means work for the people. Either way, worship is something we do together - clergy and lay working together to prepare, welcome, sing, pray, read, preach, preside, and clean up. New COVID guidelines for worship have added roles and responsibilities to Sunday mornings so please consider how God is calling you to participate.

If you wish to be involved or have any questions please let Rev. Jane know,, and we will make sure you are trained and equipped for whichever role you feel called to.

Saint Anna