Dear Friends in Christ,
Saint Anna’s was buzzing yesterday (Wednesday). Hyland Studio were on site finishing up the restoration of the stained-glass windows, which includes new putty and paint. The Bishop’s Committee approved this much needed work at their meeting in November, as well as installing acrylic to protect the windows from vandalism like the incident that destroyed the Resurrection window, and commissioning two panels to match the stained-glass behind the altar to replace the amber glass there currently. They will be back on December 7th to install the acrylic and it looks like the repaired resurrection window will also be in place by Christmas. Michelle and I were there to meet someone from Mark Scott Construction for a walkthrough to assess the reconstruction. The mitigation work has been completed, the insurance company has sent us a check for the work, and now it is time to start working on restoring the building to its former glory and better. As well, Jim Wiant had someone there upgrading the internet, and Gwen, our music director, had someone servicing the organ.
After more than a year of being uninhabited, deserted, and empty, doors and windows were open all over the building, people were coming and going, and the church appeared busy and lively and occupied. It felt like a sign of things to come. Saint Anna’s is back from pandemic enforced isolation and ready to take on the work of building the Beloved Community in our small part of East Contra Costa County.
It is already December 1st; 2021 is nearly over and 2022 looms on the horizon with new possibilities as well as uncertainties and questions. Our new year began last Sunday with the first Sunday of Advent. Traditionally, a new year is an opportunity to look back at the past year, and look forward to the next. As I look back I am incredibly grateful for this church and for each and every one of you. And as I look forward I am excited by the possibilities and opportunities for mission and ministry. Yes, there are questions and uncertainties, but today’s activity and purpose felt hopeful; a sign of what could be and a portent of things to come.
Yours in Christ,
Rev. Jane+